“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” –Pablo Picasso
Tanks, Flooring, Layout, and Salty Dogs
Dream Big, Work Hard, Stay Focused, and Surround Yourself with Good People.
A Wonderful Vacation
I’ve had a wonderful vacation. Met some great people from all across the USA and an old friend Johan from Sweden. We got plenty of sun and exercise and we happened to get a ton of things done on this little boat project we have in the front yard. Tomorrow I can go back to my regular day job … Read More
Fuel Tank Lids and Junk Sails
A huge amount of work has gotten done and it’s because of a great crew. I’m on vacation, so Johan and I have been cutting steel and welding every day and this last weekend we had Randy and Arron in from Bismarck North Dakota who along with Bart, cut fuel tank hatch opening, hatches and drilled and tapped over 224 … Read More
Fore deck and fuel tank lids.
People often thank me for being an inspiration, but I am only the organizer. I am not the inspiration behind Seeker. The people who get on a plane and fly across the ocean, or on motorcycles and ride down from North Dakota, or move to Tulsa to be my neighbor, or drive in from Butler Missouri to just see the boat and … Read More
Sails & Keels & Frames & Viewports
I like my day job, but I love being on vacation and being about to work full time on the boat. You often hear that old adage “A boat is a hole in the water that you through money into.” And for many that certainly is the case. Their boat’s sit in storage yards or tied to a … Read More
Another Day in the Boat Yard.
Another fine day for boat building. We say good bye to Rob and Jack who headed back to Canada in the morning. We bid them a warm farewell and that will last them through the winter. Johan stays on for a couple more weeks. We are have made great progress. The plates over the lead in the keels … Read More
Another Great Day
It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we’re in it together.