A huge amount of work has gotten done and it’s because of a great crew. I’m on vacation, so Johan and I have been cutting steel and welding every day and this last weekend we had Randy and Arron in from Bismarck North Dakota who along with Bart, cut fuel tank hatch opening, hatches and drilled and tapped over 224 holes. And we had some great visitors too, who stayed long enough for us to put some tools in there hands. And Betsy has made great progress on learning to make Junk Sails. The Mizzen will be done soon and we’ll need to put a mast in the lawn just to give it a try.
All and all it’s shaping up to be a wonderful vacation. One of those that make you want to quit your job and work on your passion full time. Thank you to everyone for your support. A lot of things have transpired in my life to bring me to were I am and I am grateful for all of it. Embrace change and be true to yourself. LIVE!