Plasma Cutting and Welding TIG and MIG

BetsySteel Boat

We’re getting ready to head down to The Good of the Land Rust Fest in Temple Texas. Come join us and try out some plasma cutting and welding yourself. And there is lots more to see! Tickets:

Calculating Displacement, Weight and Waterline

BetsySteel Boat

Skip to how much does it weigh: Ask Me Anything on Reddit, Friday, Oct 11th from 3-6pm EST following “Coolest Think I’ve Ever Made” hosted by

Graco Xtreme x70 Airless Sprayer Rebuild & Coal Tar Epoxy

BetsySteel Boat

We rebuild a Graco Xtreme x70 Pneumatic powered, airless sprayer and end up with a great troubleshooting check list as well as a great comparison of airless vs roller application of coal tar epoxy. Many thanks to Single Source Industrial Coatings for trusting us with their X70. Even used these sprayers cost over $6000.