Casting and Installing Anodes & Learning to Weld

DougSteel Boat

There is something almost magical about making things with molten metals. And it is fantastic that we can make a $65 product for less than $5. And we are thankful to our Patrons and supporters who make taking the time to make these videos worth the investment.    

Floor Grates, Companionways and more

DougSteel Boat

  Thank you! To crew, to patrons, to viewers, and those I call family. For the work, the instruction, the friendships, the donations, the encouragement and the love. I am thankful this Thanksgiving for you. –Doug

Ports, Hatches and Handles

DougSteel Boat

The plan was to be working on the cooling system in the engine room, but the weather has just been gorgeous and Ewaut is planing to build an aluminum proa, so we took on all of the aluminum welding jobs still on the list. No, we really don’t have a list. When there are still ten thousand obvious things to … Read More

Engine Exhaust and other Engine Room Stuff

DougSteel Boat

  Exhaust pipes are being fabricated and Il earned a bit more about our Tormach CNC mill while turning out some exhaust flanges. Many thanks to Mike Love, Dave Martin. Piece by piece it is coming together.  

You Can Weld, It’s Easy – Pressure Testing the Hydraulic Tank

DougSteel Boat

Welding is the gateway to thousands of projects. Cars, boats, trailers, furniture, sculpture, etc. Yes you can spend a lifetime getting better at it but you and manage the vast majority of the common task with less than a day of practice. Only the truly incompetent welders will suggest otherwise. 🙂