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Before Painting Steel, Listen to a Corrosion Professional
If you want to know what the Big Boys are doing to protect their investment in steel, you talk to an American Petroleum Institute Certified Inspector. And it’s a pleasure to here it from Eric Montague because he is passionate about his job. The books on this topic used properly are guaranteed to cure insomnia.
Gas Cylinder Rack – OMG It’s Going to Explode!
No, actually, it’s not going to explode. But it’s part of the ongoing battle we humans have with fear. So if there is a problem here, it’s really how afraid we are, and how willing we are to impose are fear on others. So mind your memes.
Installing a Thousand Studs for Furring Strips
“Grit” You don’t have to be the smartest, the best looking, have the most money, or have the right social connections. You just need Grit. Passion, perseverance and determination will achieve a long term goal. The rest you can get along the way. [ Shop ] 8″ DIMIDE Clamp Raffle; Funds go to paint for Seeker: https://www.svseeker.com/product/dimide-clamp-raffle/ DIMIDE Clamp 10% … Read More
Forward Cabin Layout – Do not overthink it. Build it.
Friðbjörn “Thor” has experience working on fishing boats and sailing on whale watching boats off Iceland, so he was helpful in making the decision about how to layout the forward cabin. We originally were going to wall the two sides off but those would have been small cramped cabins. Now the plan is for a curtain to provide some privacy … Read More