Some cut, weld, grind, and mill and we got a work table, power display, and easy tender storage.
B&G WS320 Wireless Wind Sensor Install
At $650 the B&G WS320 Wireless Wind Sensor is not exactly a bargain, and frankly, I wish it was much more robust in its design.
Adding Hydraulics to the Sail Winch and Other Boat Stuff
This is a do-it-yourself upgrade to a sail winch that will make raising the sails easy.
My Oil Spill and Some Sail Work
Shame – embrace it, learn from it, let it go, and move on with enthusiasm.
Back to Work on the Boat
Sails and other boat stuff needed to sail Seeker are underway. I hope you have enjoyed the recent glut of videos. We are 1200 miles from Tulsa to the Gulf of Mexico and it feels like a good start. Again, I’d like to thank you for all the congratulations. There were a lot of people that doubted, the welding, the … Read More