Contribute to “The Boat the Internet Built” by joining Seeker’s Poseidon Club. For as little $1/month, you can help us meeting the expenses of getting our 75′ Steel Chinese Junk out of our front yard and into the water. Once we are afloat we will take on new adventures as we travel the world’s oceans to learn more about history, science, and what lies beneat the surface.
Our goal is to be able to make our vessel affordable for students, scientists, historians and researchers to do their best work. In addition, due to our extensive floating workshop, we’ll be able to do salvage work, assist vessels in need and even take part in humanitarian efforts.
Your contribution will allow you first view privileges to any videos or announcements as well as live feeds.
You will also be able to purchase special Poseidon Club merchandise and other items from our stores at a discount. Other perks and add-ons will also be added in as they become available.
Just click here to get yourself signed in.
Welcome to Seeker’s Poseidon Club!