You’re only as dumb as the smartest person in the room. And the internet makes for a really big room. Yes, you have filter out some trolls, and inflated egos, but what is left is a great cross section of humanity and experiences. There is definitely a need to make presenting an idea safe as there is unfortunately large body of ideas that are held back because of the fear of ridicule. That is unfortunate because any idea, no mater how seemingly impractical is fuel for better ideas. The next hurdle is picking an idea. Ego is the problem. Our ideas are like children and we tend to think they are the best and the brightest in the class. Pick one idea and it’s like you have dashed the other children against the rocks. We would all do well to let go a little more. In the end there is never a best idea because the variables are constantly changing. Current skills, tools, money, time, materials, easy of use, work environment, expected end of life; these variables all randomly dance about like Red Bull fueled teenagers at a rave. So relax, the picked idea is just today’s pick for today’s variables. And as soon as it’s built and in use, an improvement will be clear and we can return to the collection of ideas.
Stephen Reeve
Michael Witt
Kenneth Baker
Daniel Murray