Danial and Rob, two engineers on their way to race their car in Nebraska, stopped in and we tested a length of RG6 inside some tubular webbing. Unfortunately the tubular webbing stretches about 35% with just 300 pounds of load and that was too much for the RG6. So we need your help. But please stay within the parameters. We are not a government agency and we do not want to act like one.
We are looking for: Cheaper, Stronger, Easier, and More Widely Available for 60 cents a foot.
So what is the best combination of polypropylene tubular webbing, coaxial cable and strength member, either steel of synthetic so that we have a low cost, neutrally buoyant, anti-strumming, tether that can sustain a 1000+ pounds of load when towing?
How much will coaxial cable routinely stretch?
What is the working load for common RG6 with a messenger wire?
Details and Updates are here: http://wp.me/P6ivyU-SJ