Day Tank, Fuel Lines, Filters, Engine, Sea Chest, Work Benches, Lighting, Breaker Panel, Cable Tray, it’s a lot of things in motion at the same time but it’s a perfect way to figure it all out. And in the center of all this is … Read More
Painting the Engine Room – 3 Days in 3 Minutes
A grinder and paint will make a welder what he ain’t. Slap it on thick boys!
Coast Guard Patrol Boat to Chinese Junk Motorsailer Conversion
Roman stopped by 4 years ago on his quest to find the safest boat he could find. He has looked at titanium hulls, expedition boats, double hulls, you name it. I know what you are thinking. Why did he stop at my boat? Frankly, I think it was to warn me. That conversation got him nowhere but … Read More
Crane Repairs, Welding, Sewing and Painting
When FedEx pulled up I started to wonder what I had ordered that required such a big truck. Turns out the truck was empty but the driver, Jim was here to help. Jim was an electrician before he was a driver so he fixed over hauled our cranes that were in serious need of service and also welded, helped … Read More
Fuel System Plumbing and Engine Room Layout
Open your doors and some of the most amazing people walk in. Hollis Fitch has stopped by before but this time he had Seeker’s engine room on his brain, so I handed this former Chief Engineer a credit card and he started plumbing the fuel lines for Seeker’s 6 fuel tanks and then sketched up other ideas. He has … Read More
ROV Buoyancy
We added 13 pounds of positive buoyancy to the ROV with pontoons made from the same 3.5″ ID aluminum pipe used for the main hull. That give us ample flotation, ease of construction, the ability to add more batteries while preserving the 6700 ft, 2000 m operational depth. Hull Details
Dewalt Pressure Washer Sandblasting
We try out a 4200 psi Dewalt Pressure Washer with a Sandblasting Attachment.
Diesel Jet Boat Build – Part 1 – Modeling
I’ve been looking forward to starting this project for some time now. Josh and Alexis wanted to help and they are returning in the spring, so we’ve started the ground work. We have the aluminum. Now we need a low mileage 2000-2003 Volkswagen 1.9 TDI diesel engine and a Berkeley 12JC Jet Pump. … Read More
Bart’s Tiny Home and Mike’s 3-Phase Converter
Bart’s putting enough screws in his tiny home to make it hurricane proof. No, we will not test that either. And we paid a visit to Mike to see how he is getting along with his new American Rotary 3-phase convert and electrical system that you good folks gifted to him. Thank You!